Monday, September 22, 2008

Exercise Boosts Survival in Breast Cancer

news you may not knowGood for Mind and Body...

You don’t have to be an exercise fanatic to derive the benefits. You don’t have to have a lifelong habit of pre-dawn jogging excursions. As a matter of fact, your daily routine can pretty much consist of couch-related activities. But…

You’ve got to start your exercise program – today!

A new study shows, once again, that exercise has tremendous health benefits. This study focuses on the survivors of breast cancer and finds that even late starters can benefit. Of course, the greatest benefit was found among those aforementioned longtime exercisers.

Women who exercise regularly have a 40 percent lower risk of developing breast cancer in the first place. Women who were already exercising in the year prior to diagnosis are 31 percent less likely to die of breast cancer. And, at the two-year mark following diagnosis, doing any exercise at all reduced the risk of death by an astounding 64 percent.

So, though breast cancer is certainly a major challenge, there are steps you can take to increase your odds of living a long and healthy life. Grab those sneakers, or those loafers, or, heck – go barefoot. But, go. Get out of the house and wander down the street. The fresh air will help clear your mind and the exercise will help heal your body. It’s a win-win.

To read more about the study, see this from Reuters. To learn more about breast cancer symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment, see this from


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