Monday, September 29, 2008

Group Advocates Health Care Reform

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It's an unusual concept - particularly in the middle of a political season. We're used to high-minded talk mixed neatly with under-handed strategies. Bickering and sniping are the common languages of the right, left, and center. But...

What if a group decided to approach a problem without all the nonsense that embodies politics?

Well - "Divided We Fail" has done just that.

The Divided We Fail campaign is an association of several advocacy groups targeting health care. While many groups have advocated health care reform over the years, they've primarily done so from a position of self-interest. The insurers fighting the providers fighting the consumers fighting the...

The Divided We Fail group is unique - they don't advocate a particular health care program. Rather, they believe politicians must put aside their pettiness and find a workable solution to provide health care to all Americans.

Their "About Us" section states this about the group: "AARP, Business Roundtable, Service Employees Union (SEIU), and National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) are engaging the American people, businesses, non-profit organizations, and elected officials in finding bi-partisan solutions to ensure affordable, quality health care and long-term financial security - for all of us. The need for health and financial security is something we all share, not just for ourselves, but for future generations. It is the promise of America."

So, will the Divided We Fail approach work? Well, it has a chance - unlike the current stalemate brought to us by the politics-of-the-day.

To read a summary of the group's efforts, see this from Reuters. To learn more details about the group, see this from Divided We Fail.


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