Monday, July 20, 2009

Health Care Debate - What's at Stake?

news you may not know

Kristina Smith at the Venice Family Clinic

The debate rages. Should we tax the wealthy to pay for universal health care? Maybe the best way to pay the cost is to tax health coverage benefits, or to include a public option to help drive down costs. Surely we can squeeze a few more tens of billions of dollars in savings from the hospitals, home health agencies and, of course, the insanely profitable pharmaceutical manufacturers.

Or, maybe we're all insane to believe any of this is possible in the first place. After all, look where it landed previously shoe-in nominee Hillary Clinton.

But, just in case you find your resolve weakening - and whose hasn't - take a look at this audio slideshow from the Venice Family Clinic. It's just over two and one-half minutes long, but it's a fabulous reminder of what's at stake - both in terms of bottom line impact on people's lives and on the financial fiascos that result from letting the small health issues become big and expensive.

Here's the link:

To learn more about the largest free clinic in the nation, see this from the Venice Family Clinic.


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